Watermelon Cake


1 seedless watermelon
1 container (8 ounces) fat free frozen whipped
topping, thawed
1 8 ounce container nonfat light lemon yogurt
Fresh fruit to decorate cake (kiwi, strawberries,
grapes, blueberries, etc.)
Select a seedless watermelon, 7 inches to 9 inches in


1. Cut a 3 inch thick cross section from the watermelon.
2. To remove the rind , cut 4 vertical slits through the
rind without cutting flesh, divide the rind into four
equal sections. Cut horizontally between white rind
portion and red flesh to remove rind.
3. You will have a circle of watermelon.
4. Fold together whipped topping and yogurt.
5. Pat watermelon dry with paper towel and place on flat
serving plate.
6. Frost top and sides with whipped topping mixture.
7. Decorate as desired with fresh fruit.

Note: Refrigerate then Cut into wedges and serve!


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